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It's time to design your email.

Now that you've selected a template, you'll define the layout of your email and give your content a place to live by adding, rearranging, and deleting content blocks.

When you're ready to change the look of your email, take a look through the “design” tab to set background colors, borders, and other styles.

If you need a bit of inspiration, you can see what other MailChimp users are doing, or learn about email design and blaze your own trail.

It's time to design your email.

Now that you've selected a template, you'll define the layout of your email and give your content a place to live by adding, rearranging, and deleting content blocks.

When you're ready to change the look of your email, take a look through the “design” tab to set background colors, borders, and other styles.

If you need a bit of inspiration, you can see what other MailChimp users are doing, or learn about email design and blaze your own trail.

It's time to design your email.

Now that you've selected a template, you'll define the layout of your email and give your content a place to live by adding, rearranging, and deleting content blocks.

When you're ready to change the look of your email, take a look through the “design” tab to set background colors, borders, and other styles.

If you need a bit of inspiration, you can see what other MailChimp users are doing, or learn about email design and blaze your own trail.

It's time to design your email.

Now that you've selected a template, you'll define the layout of your email and give your content a place to live by adding, rearranging, and deleting content blocks.

When you're ready to change the look of your email, take a look through the “design” tab to set background colors, borders, and other styles.

If you need a bit of inspiration, you can see what other MailChimp users are doing, or learn about email design and blaze your own trail.

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